confession tuesday

I had a total brain lapse today. I volunteer at my church as the adult leader for an activity time for young girls aged eight to eleven, every other Tuesday for an hour and a half. When I got home from vacation on Sunday evening, I immediately remembered that I needed to call and remind the girls and their parents, but I had to get dinner ready and by the time the kids were in bed, I completely forgot. Fast forward to yesterday night, same time, same scenario.

This morning at ten o’clock (the exact time our activity was supposed to begin) a bell goes off inside my head and I suddenly remember where I am supposed to be and that I have not reminded anyone that they need to be there, too. But I have not yet showered, my children and I are still in our jammies… So I quickly call the one mom for whom I have a cell number, apologize profusely, and then start calling and leaving messages for other moms. The worst part? I really don’t feel too guilty, even though I know I inconvenienced everyone. It was an honest mistake, albeit a flaky one. And usually flakiness is one of my pet peeves.

I’m thinking a lovely shade of hot pink polish and a pedicure ought to set off my feet of clay nicely.


I gained three pounds over the weekend at my family reunion, but it was totally worth it. Four words: alder smoked barbeque salmon. It’s my uncle’s secret family recipe (which I happen to have), and I went back for thirds. And fourths.


I have yet to kick my habit of reading the gossip column every week on Today when I was getting caught up I even clicked on the linky to pictures of post-partum J-Lo in her bikini. Yes, it’s true: I’m a closet J-Lo fan. It’s the dark underbelly to my projected image of good taste and intellectualism.

One Response to “confession tuesday”

  1. Ha!

    Great confessions…great. I am envious of great confessions. And I lust for your uncle’s recipe…and salmon (not a good year for our declining friends; I love them even more for that. Is that wrong?)

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